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Chamomile Elegance (Organic chamomile tea)

Herbal Teas

Product Information

Chamomile Elegance (Organic chamomile tea)

Our organic chamomile tea was made to give you the warming feeling of the first rays of sun in the early summer morning, gently touching your cheeks. Carefully selected chamomile from Germany was planted in the foothills of Himalayas to create one of the finest Indian chamomile tea. Chamomile tea has been known for centuries as the ultimate herbal tea for relaxing, soothing and calming both body and mind. Our Chamomile Radiance organic chamomile tea is made to heal you and impress you. Perfectly dried flowers offer incredibly sweet and full flavour reminiscent of honey.
Organic Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has been the most important European herbal tea for centuries. It is known to be a wonder herb with numerous health benefits, from relieving anxiety to calming frayed nerves, treating stomach problems, relieving muscle spasms, treating skin conditions and mild infections, gum inflammation, helping with insomnia, clearing acne, soothing minor first-degree burns, stomach ulcers, etc. Chamomile tea can be blended with other herbs or green tea. Chamomile tea can help with gallstones, fatty liver, chronic heartburn, loss of appetite, digestive disturbances, Roemheld syndrome where maladies in the gastrointestinal tract or abdomen cause cardiac symptoms, indigestion in infants and certain types of constipation. It is sometimes used as a "blood purifier" and a general female tonic; and for preventing menstrual cramps and irregular periods. Chamomile tea has been valued as a digestive relaxant and has been used to treat various gastrointestinal disturbances including flatulence, indigestion, diarrhoea, anorexia, motion sickness, nausea and vomiting. Chamomile tea also helps in Boosting Immunity. You can also inhale steam from Chamomile tea to ease nasal congestion, a runny nose and sore throat.

Contains no caffeine.

Pure Dried Chamomile Tea Flowers


Deep and sweet full taste reminiscent of the best floral honey

Relaxing and soothing

Water temperature: 100º Celsius
Dosage: 5 grams of tea
Amount of water: 150-200 ml
Steeping time: 5, 6 minutes
Resteeping: 2-3 times

Method: We suggest to always use freshly boiled water cooled down to a proper temperature. Use suitable tea ware and cover the teapot or a teacup when brewing. To discover delicate subtlety of each tea and get the most nutrients out of the leaves/flowers always follow the instructions, and feel free to experiment with dosage, time or temperature when you get accustomed to the tea. Higher temperature, larger amounts of leaves and longer steeping time will result in stronger infusion with more astringency. You can add sugar or honey to your chamomile tea, but we suggest trying it straight first in order to enjoy it to the fullest.

Note: Please use it within one month after opening the packet. And keep it in a cool and dry place.

Bedtime relaxing moments full of healing power


100% certified organic as per NPOP, NOP & EU standards.

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